
Random experiments in HTML

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Here I put some thoughts into the world, some kind of journal, not proofread, I don’t know who you are, but if you’re reading this, don’t expect more than just venting out problems and frustrations, yay.

I don’t know why but I was always like the class clown, a bit too immature, a bit on purpose so I can avoid the responsabilities of being an adult. I don’t like ambiguities very much. I can pretty much understand everything I’m told but I’m concerned that what others are saying won’t be understood by everyone because of such ambiguities, but apparently, ambiguities are here to stay, so is the nature of human languages. I’m very analytical, I like to know, I like to teach, I seem to overwhelm people sometimes with what I know, I’ve caught myself doing it, but I’m usually too excited or interested to care.

But I’m learning slowly how to behave, or how to get what I want, because I do like earning, and I’m very passionate about it, even though sometimes I’m not self aware much.

I am trying to learn how to socialize, I must do write about some epiphanies I’ve gotten. I’ve started reading a book called The Alabaster Girl, I found it.. beautiful, as if it explained a million of things that it didn’t explain before. It really gave me many epiphanies and realizations..

I think I hate scrum with disgust.