
Random experiments in HTML

Project maintained by Kreijstal Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Hello there. So I’m just starting here, I think this will be a blog about my adventures, hopefully it will be nice. And hopefully you will like it..


This is a website where I will put blogposts, ideas, doodles, whatever I want, because… uhh why not, everyone and their mom has their website and I should too, I can share links with people, images or whatever.

Why was this done?

Well, in order to tell you that, I have to tell you a story, this is an idea that I’ve had for a really long time, but this idea came with some friends over facebook.

I don’t know why or when I made a facebook account, I barely felt the need for it, I was not a very social guy honestly, I was shy, a bit introverted, and eternally curious.